Planning Expertise

 Retirement Planning


Our Philosophy:

Conventional wisdom trains consumers to deposit their income into their checking account where all of life’s consumption choices occur. This means that as their incomes rise over time, consumption often rises in parallel.  We call this unconscious consumption. We will help you disconnect consumption from income allowing both income and consumption to take independent paths in the future.  The excess dollars will be automatically captured and easily deployed to additional capital assets that create additional cash flow momentum. Everyone we work with has financial objectives which can be solved by creating a proper cash flow structure that promotes a higher savings rate. Every objective you have revolves around the ability to source cash flow to meet your objectives (retirement, debt reduction, life insurance, college, etc.).  We think that based on your objectives; it is highly appropriate to incorporate a cash flow structure that will have a major impact on the ability to achieve all of your objectives. If you are a business owner, we will work with you to grow your business to assure the receipt of fair value when it is time to sell. This will greatly multiply your retirement income and ensure the retirement lifestyle you have always dreamed of.

Our Company

The Cambridge group

Get In Touch

3217 Sweetwater Way, Sherman, TX
